.. index:: single: Attributes Histogram .. _attributes_histogram: Attributes Histogram ==================== Collection of :ref:`attributes histogram item ` representations. .. _attributes_histogram_item: Attributes Histogram Item ========================= Indicates the distribution of ads within the values of a given attribute Fields ------ .. apifields:: .. apifield:: :name: label :type: string :constraints: -- :required: true :updateable: false :writable: false The label of the attribute to be used in the UI. .. apifield:: :name: key :type: string :constraints: -- :required: true :updateable: false :writable: false The key of the attribute to be used in the API. .. apifield:: :name: valuesHistogram :type: :ref:`Values Histogram Item ` :constraints: -- :required: true :updateable: false :writable: false Collection of :ref:`Values Histogram Item ` representations. .. _values_histogram_item: Values Histogram Item ========================= Indicates the number of ads with a given value set. Fields ------ .. apifields:: .. apifield:: :name: label :type: string :constraints: -- :required: true :updateable: false :writable: false The label of the attribute to be used in the UI. .. apifield:: :name: key :type: string :constraints: -- :required: true :updateable: false :writable: false The key of the attribute to be used in the API. .. apifield:: :name: count :type: int :constraints: -- :required: true :updateable: false :writable: false Number of ads with the given value.