
Webhooks allow you to build or set up integrations which subscribe to certain events on marktplaats.nl. When one of those events is triggered, we’ll send a HTTP POST payload to the webhook’s configured URL.

If you want to take advantage of this feature please speak to your Marktplaats contact person as it is currently not possible to register a webhook via the api. Though we may add support for this in the future.

Message Delivery Guarantees

We currently support At least once delivery. This means that messages are never lost but may be redelivered, under, what should be, very rare circumstances. To guard against this you can de-dupe messages on the consumer end based on the unique event id.

Validating the authenticity of requests

HTTP callbacks are signed so that consumers can validate the message’s authenticity. The signature is sent as a request header with the name X-Ecg-Signature. It’s value is a HMAC SHA 256 hex digest of the payload, using a shared secret, that will be provided to you as part of the registration process, as the key. The following example illustrates how to generate a signature using the openssl commandline tools.

echo -n '{"id":"id","eventType":"EventType","created":"2015-01-01T11:00:00.000Z","eventData":{"property":"value"}}' | openssl dgst -sha256 -hmac "s3cr3t"


Generic Message format

Events posted to the webhook’s configured url all take the same form. But the event data and links provided in the request differ by event type.

field type constraints default Req W U
id string no no no
eventType string One of BidPlacedEvent, BidClosedEvent, AsqCreatedEvent, transactionStatusChanged no no no
created ISO 8601 timestamp no no no
eventData map no no no


Unique identifier for this event - can be used for de-duping purposes


Identifies the type of event, currently BidPlacedEvent, BidClosedEvent, AsqCreatedEvent, transactionStatusChanged are supported


When the event was created


Map of fields that describe the event. Different for each event type


The following table lists the event data fields for this event :

field type constraints default Req W U
advertisementItemId string no no no


Unique identifier for the advertisement this bid is for

The following table lists the relations for this event :

name availability embedded cardinality
mp:advertisement always no 1
mp:bid always yes 1


The following table lists the event data fields for this event :

field type constraints default Req W U
advertisementItemId string no no no
closedBySeller boolean no no no


Unique identifier for the advertisement this bid is for


True if the bid was closed by the seller

The following table lists the relations for this event :

name availability embedded cardinality
mp:advertisement always no 1
mp:bid always yes 1


The following table lists the event data fields for this event :

field type constraints default Req W U
advertisementItemId string no no no
asqMessage string no no no


Unique identifier for the advertisement this ‘ask seller question’ is for


The actual message which is send. This is only provided for selected API users.

name availability embedded cardinality
mp:advertisement always no 1
mp:asker always yes 1


The following table lists the event data fields for this event :

field type constraints default Req W U
transactionId int no no no
oldStatus string no no no
newStatus string no no no


Unique identifier for the transaction for which the status is changed


String representing the previous status of the transaction. One of CREATED, PENDING, EXPIRED, CANCELLED, COMPLETED, FAILED, REFUNDED, CHARGEBACK


String representing the current status of the transaction. One of CREATED, PENDING, EXPIRED, CANCELLED, COMPLETED, FAILED, REFUNDED, CHARGEBACK

The following table lists the relations for this event :

name availability embedded cardinality
mp:advertisement-transaction always yes 1


The following table lists the event data fields for this event :

field type constraints default Req W U
start string no no no
duration string no no no
eventType string no no no
fromNumber string no no no
fromNumberArea string no no no
toNumber string no no no
endNumber string no no no
channel string no no no
answered boolean no no no
publisherId string no no no
campaignId string no no no
referrer string no no no
url string no no no
userId string no no no
advertisementId string no no no
callId string no no no
freespeeId string no no no


start time of call, UTC, format (ISO8601) yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSSZZ


duration of call in seconds


type of event 0 = post-call, 1 = textMessage/SMS, 2 = pre-call


callers phone number


callers geographical area


tracking phone number


destination phone number


channel, ex Google SEM


whether call was answered


publisher id, if exists


campaign id, if exists


visitor referrer url, if exists


visitor url, if exists


marktplaats seller id


advertisement id


Unique call id


Unique Freespee call id


Marktplaats sending an event notification

POST /path/url HTTP/1.1
Host: api.consumer.nl
User-Agent: Marktplaats Webhooks Processor
X-Ecg-Signature: ba69edb0c8fa3f17d2b47f1edc8d53f3baa422dab250354200cc2528b8ba4dc5


Example of a transaction changed notification


Example of a asq notification

        "asqMessage":"Example message"