Search result

A single result in a list of search results.


field type constraints default Req W U
itemId string yes no no
categoryId int yes no no
title string yes no no
description string yes no no
priceModel Price Model yes no yes
seller object no no no
seller.sellerId int no no no
seller.sellerName string no no no
seller.phoneNumber string no no no
location object no no no
location.postcode string no no no
location.cityName string no no no
seller.acceptPaypal boolean no no no
locale string valid locale no no no


Unique reference to the Marktplaats advertisement


The category in which the advertisement is placed.

An integer value from the category list. Must be a L2 category (see categories).


Any string with a minimum of 3 characters, up to 60 characters. Urls are not allowed as part of the title.


The description field of the ad.


Accept bank or creditcard payments via PayPal


Locale (language) of the Ad, mainly title and Description


name availability embedded cardinality
mp:advertisement always no 1
mp:category always no 1
mp:seller always no 1
mp:advertisement-website-link always no 1
mp:advertisement-image always yes 1