User profile

A user profile is a visual display of personal data associated with a specific user. This data will only be displayed for users that purchased the “marktplaats extra”, “bedrijfs profilering” products. Or users that are admarkt customers.

Information on buying features can be found at buy-feature.


field type constraints default Req W U
title string max. 150 chars, cannot contain emails or urls yes yes yes
description string max. 500 chars yes yes yes
videoUrl string max. 150 chars no yes yes
mission string max. 500 chars no yes yes
sellerUrl string max. 150 chars no yes yes
awards string max. 500 chars no yes yes


The profile title.


The profile description


From where to load the video


The mission statement


The seller url


The awards


name availability embedded cardinality
mp:profile-image always no 1
mp:backdrop-image always no 1
mp:logo-image always no 1


GET /v1/users/{userId}/profile

Get a user’s profile.

PUT /v1/users/{userId}/profile

Update a user’s profile

PATCH /v1/users/{userId}/profile

Do a partial update of a user’s profile


http error code description
400 validation-failure
Validation of the profile failed.
There should be more information in the field errors

Field errors

field error code error value description
<field name> input-invalid The value for this field is invalid.
<field name> input-too-long the maximum allowed length The length of the supplied value exceeds the maximum allowed length for this field
<field name> missing-required-field A required field is missing or empty (while that is not allowed).


Retrieving a user profile :

Request :

GET /v1/users/1/profile HTTP/1.1

Response :

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

   "mp:backdrop-image": {
   "mp:profile-image": {
   "mp:logo-image": {
 "_embedded": {
   "mp:backdrop-image": {
     "_links": {
       "self": {
         "href": "/v1/images/857ca3aa-da33-4faf-b7eb-2eca6068d609"
       "mp:image-blob": {
         "href": "/v1/images/857ca3aa-da33-4faf-b7eb-2eca6068d609/{size}/blob",
         "templated": true
       "mp:image-meta": {
         "href": "/v1/images/857ca3aa-da33-4faf-b7eb-2eca6068d609/{size}/meta",
         "templated": true
     "imageId": 1001,
     "mediaId": "857ca3aa-da33-4faf-b7eb-2eca6068d609",
     "status": "available",
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       "href": "https://eps.marktplaats.test/eps/8780296fd30d43c354ae83216f325610/$_82.JPG"
     "medium": {
       "href": "https://eps.marktplaats.test/eps/8780296fd30d43c354ae83216f325610/$_82.JPG"
     "large": {
       "href": "https://eps.marktplaats.test/eps/8780296fd30d43c354ae83216f325610/$_83.JPG"
     "xlarge": {
       "href": "https://eps.marktplaats.test/eps/8780296fd30d43c354ae83216f325610/$_84.JPG"
   "mp:profile-image": {
     "_links": {
       "self": {
         "href": "/v1/images/ab263c1c-b5df-4220-818a-289e828a3a30"
       "mp:image-blob": {
         "href": "/v1/images/ab263c1c-b5df-4220-818a-289e828a3a30/{size}/blob",
         "templated": true
       "mp:image-meta": {
         "href": "/v1/images/ab263c1c-b5df-4220-818a-289e828a3a30/{size}/meta",
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     "imageId": 1002,
     "mediaId": "ab263c1c-b5df-4220-818a-289e828a3a30",
     "status": "available",
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       "href": "https://eps.marktplaats.test/eps/8780296fd30d43c354ae83216f325610/$_82.JPG"
     "medium": {
       "href": "https://eps.marktplaats.test/eps/8780296fd30d43c354ae83216f325610/$_82.JPG"
     "large": {
       "href": "https://eps.marktplaats.test/eps/8780296fd30d43c354ae83216f325610/$_83.JPG"
     "xlarge": {
       "href": "https://eps.marktplaats.test/eps/8780296fd30d43c354ae83216f325610/$_84.JPG"
   "mp:logo-image": {
     "_links": {
       "self": {
         "href": "/v1/images/8e9341df-09ca-416a-96cd-8e861fc108dc"
       "mp:image-blob": {
         "href": "/v1/images/8e9341df-09ca-416a-96cd-8e861fc108dc/{size}/blob",
         "templated": true
       "mp:image-meta": {
         "href": "/v1/images/8e9341df-09ca-416a-96cd-8e861fc108dc/{size}/meta",
         "templated": true
     "imageId": 1003,
     "mediaId": "8e9341df-09ca-416a-96cd-8e861fc108dc",
     "status": "available",
     "small": {
       "href": "https://eps.marktplaats.test/eps/8780296fd30d43c354ae83216f325610/$_82.JPG"
     "medium": {
       "href": "https://eps.marktplaats.test/eps/8780296fd30d43c354ae83216f325610/$_82.JPG"
     "large": {
       "href": "https://eps.marktplaats.test/eps/8780296fd30d43c354ae83216f325610/$_83.JPG"
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       "href": "https://eps.marktplaats.test/eps/8780296fd30d43c354ae83216f325610/$_84.JPG"
 "title": "Super shop",
 "description": "Better than all the rest",
 "videoUrl": "some video url",
 "mission": "we make our customers proud of their purchase",
 "sellerUrl": "some seller url",
 "awards": "best shop of the Netherlands in 2017"