User review Settings

The user review entity contains information regarding reviews on this user. It is basically configuration on how to fetch reviews from an external provider, and currently only supported for dealers. The settings here are only shown on the website when the user has bought the feature Klantscore . Information on buying features can be found at buy-feature.


field type constraints default Req W U
reviewsPlatform string max. 150 chars, tevreden or klantenvertellen yes yes yes
reviewsUser string max. 100 chars yes yes yes


The platform used for external reviews. This should either be tevreden or klantenvertellen


The user id of the dealer on the dealer reviews site.


GET /v1/users/{userId}/reviews-settings

Get user review settings

PUT /v1/users/{userId}/reviews-settings

Update a user’s review settings

PATCH /v1/users/{userId}/reviews-settings

Do a partial update of a user’s review settings


http error code description
400 validation-failure
Validation of the user-review settings failed.

Field errors

field error code error value description
<field name> input-invalid The value for this field is invalid.
<field name> input-too-long the maximum allowed length The length of the supplied value exceeds the maximum allowed length for this field
<field name> missing-required-field A required field is missing or empty (while that is not allowed).


Retrieving the reviews for a user:


GET /v1/users/1/reviews HTTP/1.1


   HTTP/1.1 200 OK
   Content-Type: application/json

       "_links": {
       "self": {
       "describedby": {
   "_embedded": {
               "reason":"Evaluatie aanschaf gebruikte auto/occasion",
               "overallScore": 8,
               "content":"De autoverkoper was erg behulpzaam"
                       "score": 8.2
   "numberOfReviews": 10
   "averageScore": 5.8
   "averageSubScores": [
           "score": 8.2
           "score": 9.1


Retrieving the settings for reviews :

Request :

GET /v1/users/1/reviews-settings HTTP/1.1

Response :

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

 "_links": {
   "self": {
   "describedby": {
 "reviewsPlatform": "tevreden",
 "reviewsUser": "handyHarry"